Jørgen Olsen celebrates his 40 years at BEC
Today, Jørgen Olsen, business owner in the Capital Markets area, celebrates his milestone 40th work anniversary with BEC Financial Technologies.
This is a huge achievement, and it’s a great time to show recognition for Jørgen’s efforts and achievements throughout the decades.
Currently Jørgen’s role as a business owner means he does significant work with customers to decipher their business needs.
He also acts as the key middleman between migrating those customer needs into projects at BEC. It’s a role which requires huge long-term vision and knowledge. While some teams focus on bi-weekly sprints, Jørgen plans years in advance. “To be a business owner you have to know a lot of the area and look about three years ahead so we can prepare what our development line has to work with.” Jørgen explains.
Essentially, Jørgen and the five other business owners at BEC, help lay the groundwork for the work that we might be doing several years from.
He continues, “It’s special for me to join the conversations on ‘what are we going to be a part of tomorrow? Especially understanding the needs of our customers. I get to work closely with them, and my favorite part is being able to translate their needs to tangible development projects and programs.”
In his four-decade career at BEC, Jørgen has followed many path changes as an employee of BEC, such as joining as an accountant, moving to the tech sphere as a system designer, progressing into BEC management and finally becoming the customer-facing, area business owner he is today.
In his time, Jørgen has also witnessed global events, like the 2008 financial crisis. But Jørgen notes he has seen BEC move from strength to strength since then: “I remember 2012 was actually a very exciting year for BEC because that was the year we re-established balance in the finances. Leading up to that, there were large IT investments and strategic initiatives like savings in daily operations, an internal empowerment project and outsourcing of BEC’s IT operations to JN Data. It all paid off in revitalizing the company. Since that crisis, the journey has been an upward curve. I see the firm is growing larger and larger, and the expansion to Poland is a very special testament of our growth, stability and strength.”
In daily life at BEC, Jørgen leans into his listening skills, patience and remains service minded to build strong relations with customers. When he is away from the role, Jørgen and his friends enjoy cycling in the mountains – taking on fx. Grandfondo La Marmotte in France every year – spanning 10 hours the trail covers 175km at a 5,000m climb. Since both Jørgen’s children are grown up, he explains he has more time to peruse the quiet life in the picturesque countryside 8km from Roskilde. There he and his wife take care of 2 horses and the surrounding gardens, while also finding time to enjoy word puzzles and maintain old cars.
No doubt, it’s a lengthy career Jørgen has had at BEC, and that should be applauded. But rather than reflect, he remains focused on where BEC is heading next:
“I think we have the right strategy for BEC. We are actively asking ‘what do we need to be the best IT firm for all banks of Denmark’. This is amazing to see, and I want to be part of that journey for some years going forward.”