
In the 60s, the large Danish banks began to use electronic data processing. To ensure similar competitiveness, provincial banks across the country joined forces and set up data centers. With roots dating back to 1964, BEC has been an IT supplier to Danish banks for 60 years.


January 1: The innovation and development hub Scoutz opens.


April 22: BEC changes its name from ‘Bankernes EDB Central’ to ‘BEC Financial Technologies’.


April 3: BEC sells Schantz A/S.

July 1: BEC acquires Nykredit’s development center in Poland which continues as a subsidiary of BEC.


BEC sells ALOC A/S.


BEC and SDC decide not to merge and together operate Nordic Finance IT. BEC takes over and implements the capital-market platform Calypso.


BEC makes structural and organizational changes aiming to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Together with 188 employees, IT operations is moved to JN Data.


BEC and SDC initiate a new and potentially far-reaching collaboration under the auspices of a joint IT company, Nordisk Finans IT. All IT operational tasks and technical infrastructure are gathered at JN Data. In the long term, the goal is a merger between BEC and SDC.


BEC acquires Schantz Data A/S, which develops and sells insurance and pension solutions.


BEC acquires ALOC A/S, which develops and sells financial software for portfolio management and trading.


‘Bankernes Datacenter’ (BDC) and ‘Bankernes EDB Central’ (BEC) merge into one company called ‘Bankernes EDB Central’ (BEC) with employees at Herning and Roskilde.


‘EDB-Centret Herning-Hjørring’ is divided into two: ‘Herning-Hjørring EDB Center’, which serves businesses, and ‘Bankernes Datacenter’ (BDC), which primarily serves banks.


‘EDB Centralen’ in Herning and ‘Vendsyssel EDB-Central’ in Hjørring merge under the name ‘Dansk EDB-Center’, with a total of 150 employees. Briefly called the ‘Herning-Hjørring EDB Center’.


April 15: ‘Automationscentralen’ in Næstved og ‘Foreningen Bankernes EDB-Central Sjælland Nord’ in Glostrup merge under the name ‘Foreningen Bankernes EDB Central’ (BEC). The company is located on the corner of Havsteensvej and Maglegårdsvej in Roskilde.


‘Foreningen Bankernes EDB-Central Sjælland Nord’ is established in Glostrup.


Nine North West Jutland banks join forces and set up ‘EDB Centralen’ in Herning.


September 8: Eight South and West Zealand provincial banks found the ‘Foreningen Automationscentralen’ in Næstved, which is then established in 1965.
