
Finn Haulrich celebrates 40 years in BEC

Today, Finn Haulrich celebrates his milestone 40th work anniversary with BEC Financial Technologies.

“It is strange that it has been already 40 years, it has gone very quickly. I have been around BEC a lot.”

For Finn that means working as a Cobol developer in more than 10 different teams, as well as contributing to growing the knowledge of colleagues by working in the Competence Center. Now Finn is working in Core Banking in team Account & Interest. He comments “I am 40 years in the company, but the newest in my team, and I still find it very challenging and exciting to work on our complex system solutions.”


Finn recalls developing the Totalkredit-system from 1989 in a team that ended up with more than 50 developers as a key career highlight. It was there that Finn took the role of co-architect and developer for the genesis of the system. Alongside that key achievement, Finn explains that working on BoligXperten (a client survey application that advised bank customers on purchasing homes) was also particularly memorable. “Being part of many solutions and tasks has been very rewarding in my BEC career. Especially when the finished product is used by many and helps many, it is satisfying and fulfilling for me to be on projects like those.” Finn remarks.

In his tenure, Finn has not only worked to help banks and their customers, but he’s also helped grow BEC, too. He remarks “Working in the Competence center was a great experience, because I was meeting a lot of people, networking a lot, and developing a lot. And the time I spent in the Platform & Architecture area in team Continuous Security was very giving and inspiring. I got to understand the base systems in the company much better in doing that.”


Finn’s main competence is in Mainframe, but he also dabbles in Java. When it is needed to be educated on new tools, Finn dives in. “I want to do the job the best way I can.” He explains, “We have Udemy for on-demand learning, and knowledge-sharing sessions as well.” However, Finn believes the best way to learn is to teach others the skill. He’s taught graduates how to be a developer in BEC and shared his knowledge with colleagues. Finn advises, “Even if you are not 100%, run some knowledge sharing-sessions and do not be shy. It can be about a solution you just made, but explaining it develops you as a person and developer. I encourage everyone to do it. Learning by teaching has been so helpful to me.”

Helping the community

Married for 29 years, Finn has 3 grown-up children. In his free time, Finn volunteers locally – helping out on the board of a gymnastics institute and as a local football coach.

Hopes for the future

Finn reflects that in the earlier days, socializing, helpfulness and close relationships were very much the fabric of BEC’s culture – he hopes this will continue into the company’s future too. He elaborates, “We have great colleagues – that’s what makes it a great place to work. We are a much bigger company than when I first started, and I hope BEC will keep the good spirit.”
