BEC’s customers
BEC provides IT services to more than 50 financial companies in Denmark. Clients are banks and other actors in the Danish financial sector.
Most of BEC’s customers are Danish banks, e.g., Arbejdernes Landsbank, Lollands Bank and Lægernes Pensionsbank. BEC has large clients such as Nykredit and Spar Nord and smaller clients such as Frørup Andelskasse and Møns Bank. Many of these banks are also co-owners (members) of BEC (see the list of members below).
Sector customers
A number of special stakeholders have also chosen BEC as their IT partner for solutions that require in-depth professional insight into the Danish financial sector, e.g., Finance Denmark and Lokale Pengeinstitutter.
Customers with special conditions
BEC is an IT partner for many clients with special conditions, e.g., the Bank of Greenland operating over long distances in remote areas or Danmarks Nationalbank being the central bank of Denmark.
BEC’s owners are 17 Danish banks, which are both members of the BEC cooperative and BEC customers:
- Nykredit Bank
- Spar Nord
- Arbejdernes Landsbank
- Vestjysk Bank
- Danske Andelskassers Bank
- GrønlandsBANKEN
- Fynske Bank
- Lollands Bank
- Lægernes Bank
- Møns Bank
- PenSam Bank
- Merkur Andelskasse
- Hvidbjerg Bank
- Frørup Andelskasse
- Andelskassen Fælleskassen
- Faster Andelskasse
- Frøslev-Mollerup Sparekasse