CSR report 2023 is now published
BEC has released its annual CSR report detailing our commitment as a responsible fintech company, and our efforts in delivering value to customers, employees, and society.
The CSR report provides an overview of BEC’s societal impact and corporate social responsibility.
BEC holds a significant position within the Danish financial sector and society, building trust and straight forward banking experiences. We ensure that 20-30 percent of Danish bank customers securely can transfer funds, do online investments, and utilize credit card payments. Additionally, BEC provides technology for core institutions in Denmark’s financial infrastructure. Our corporate responsibility approach is part of how we do this.
BEC is among other things committed to:
- Contribute to ensure a stable financial infrastructure for the Danish society
- Improving our environmental footprint
- Ensuring diversity, inclusion and social equity at our workplace
- Secure a solid foundation for a responsible and sustainable business conduct
In the CSR report, you can read about BEC’s work and actions to support our commitments within the four areas. Furthermore, you can read about how we are navigating all the future sustainability requirements which is rising.