BEC welcomed 36 girls for Girls’ Day in Science
On October 5th, BEC again hosted Girls’ Day in Science, organized by the House of Natural Sciences to increase interest in educations within science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
BEC has, together with several other companies, through several years supported the work to increase focus on women in the so-called STEM educations and had organized a day in Roskilde full of inspiration and knowledge about what a STEM education can lead to.
“BEC participates in Girls Day in Science because we see the need to show tech role models for girls. It is important to us that the girls gain an insight into the fact that women are also part of the tech industry today. We would like to help inspire more girls to go in a direction where they can be part of creating development in the tech area,” says Natalie Elkjær-Knudsen, people insights partner at BEC.
“At BEC, the girls meet some of our cool, female IT developers who work with the financial sector of the future. Through workshops and practical tasks, they get a taste of how we work with programming and development of secure IT solutions for banks throughout Denmark.”
Still a long way to go
When BEC, together with approximately 140 other companies across the country, invites to Girls’ Day in Science, it is done with great enthusiasm, but also with the certainty that there is still a long way to go before girls to the same extent as boys choose a technical or science education path.
“As a company, we must ensure that we have a diversity in the workforce that reflects society and our customers, so that we can come up with the best ideas and solutions for the future. It is important to us that more girls take a STEM education because we know that diversity in the workplace provides the greatest opportunity for good decisions to be made and thinking outside the box when developing new solutions,” says Natalie Elkjær-Knudsen.
Today, only approximately one third of the students admitted to the STEM programs in Denmark are women, so there is still a need to attract more girls to the technical programs.
This year’s event is supported by the Capital Region of Denmark and the Technology Pact project.