25 years in BEC
René Hartvig Pedersen is celebrating 25 years in BEC.
On the 1st of April 1996, René Hartvig Pedersen started as a developer in BEC. René Hartvig Pedersen is educated as IT assistant, and he also holds a Higher Commercial Examination. Before BEC, he came from a role as IT technician at Datafilen in Viborg.
During his 25 years at BEC, René Hartvig Pedersen has among other things worked with fund trading and trade execution. Furthermore, he was offshore responsible in Poland during 2005-2008. Today, René Hartvig Pedersen is a data steward and developer in the team Securities.
Always room for a laugh
René Hartvig Pedersen describes BEC as a workplace with helpful colleagues, a good tone, and a place where there is always space for a laugh. René Hartvig Pedersen also says that in BEC there are always new challenges to take on, and that BEC in the later years has progressed a lot on the technical platform and followed the current trends. All of which has contributed to BEC continuously being an interesting workplace.
In private, René Hartvig Pedersen spends his time with friends. During winter, he enjoys board games and books, but during summer he travels Denmark and Europe to try rollercoasters as a member of European Coaster Club. Earlier, René Hartvig Pedersen has been an active diver, but now he has replaced the drysuit with bike shorts as he does indoor biking.