40 years in BEC
Subject matter expert Frank Gyll Larsen celebrates 40-year anniversary in BEC.
Since June 1st, 1982, Frank Gyll Larsen has provided IT expertise and led numerous BEC customer projects – in particular related to Danmarks Nationalbank and Nykredit.
Development in Roskilde
It was at the time, where there was only one central mainframe and punched cards, that Frank Gyll Larsen aware, that there were interesting opportunities at BEC in his hometown Roskilde.
Expert in Danmarks Nationalbank IT
“We were probably about 100 employees back then in 1982. I started as a developer in the Danmarks Nationalbank group where I worked with Cobol for our mainframe.”
Until 2004, Frank Gyll Larsen held a number of different roles in the Nationalbank group – from planner to group leader, section leader and department manager.
From insurance to Modern Workplace
In 2004, Frank Gyll Larsen project manager for the so-called ALKA project, which was a completely new venture and an attempt to get insurance customers into the BEC business. The project was later closed, and Frank Gyll Larsen the insurance area taken out of the business, and since then Frank Gyll Larsen has worked as a technical project manager, which is today named subject matter expert, in the workplace concept area.
“It is typically large projects that I have been working on over several years where we get new large BEC customers on board the workplace solution – including Fynske Bank, Den Jyske Sparekasse, Spar Nord, and later Nykredit with the establishment of the workplace concept Nykredit Modern Workplace.”
Frank Gyll Larsen is still dedicated to Nykredit projects and part of a team where half of his colleagues are currently based in Poland.
“I have tried so many different roles and been involved in super-exciting projects. It has often been pioneer-ing work and new projects where I have been involved in the whole process. There are a lot of opportunities in BEC, and I really thrive here!” says Frank Gyll Larsen, and does not hesitate to say that the rest of his working years will also be at BEC.